Scaled Agile Framework

Created by Dean Leffingwell, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), is an approach to scaling agile practices across an enterprise. Providing guidance at the portfolio, program and team level, its’ a proven framework based on the principles of Lean and Agile. What is SAFe™ The Scaled Agile Framework® (pronounced SAFe™) is an interactive knowledge base for implementing agile practices […]

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Pay Down Your Technical Debt

ON ANY PROJECT THAT IS IN PRODUCTION (i.e., it has customers that are using it), there will come a time when a change must be made; either a bug needs fixing, or a new feature must be added. At that point there are two possible choices: you can take the time needed to “do it […]

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Leadership Principles

Leadership is founded on holding and executing certain principles—namely, the notions of trust, vision, safety, and clarity. Establish Trust Leadership is a learned skill. Some people have a natural tendency to lead, whereas for others it is a struggle. Leadership is all about trust. Trust is in the examples we set for others and the […]

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Skyscrapers Aren’t Scalable

WE OFTEN HEAR SOFTWARE ENGINEERING COMPARED to building skyscrapers, dams, or roads. It’s true in some important aspects. The hardest part of civil engineering isn’t designing a building that will stand up once it is finished, but figuring out the construction process. The construction process has to go from a bare site to a finished […]

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How to make good decisions

In the process of writing this article, I interviewed more than a dozen project managers. One question I asked was how to make good decisions. Their answers included weighing options, defining criteria, and seeking out different ways to resolve the situation at hand. But when I asked how many decisions they made a day, and […]

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