This advanced pattern focuses on horizontally scaling data through sharding.
To shard a database is to start with a single database and then divvy up its data across two or more databases (shards). Each shard has the same database schema as the original database. Most data is distributed such that each row appears in exactly one shard. The combined data from all shards is the same as the data from the original database.
The collection of shards is a single logical database, even though there are now multiple physical databases involved.
The Database Sharding Pattern is effective in dealing with the following challenges:
Application database query volume exceeds the query capability of a single database node resulting in unacceptable response times or timeouts
Application database update volume exceeds the transactional capability of a single database node resulting in unacceptable response times or timeouts
Application database network bandwidth needs exceed the bandwidth available to a single database node resulting in unacceptable response times or timeouts
Application database storage requirements exceed the capacity of a single database node
This article assumes sharding is done with a database service that offers integrated sharding support. Without integrated sharding support, sharding happens entirely in the application layer, which is substantially more complex.
Cloud Significance
Historically, sharding has not been a popular pattern because sharding logic was usually custom-built as part of the application. The result was a significant increase in cost and complexity, both in database administration and in the application logic that interacts with the database. Cloud platforms significantly mask this complexity.
Integrated database sharding support is available with some cloud database services, in both relational and NoSQL varieties.
Integrated sharding support pushes complexity down the stack: out of the application code and into the database service.
Any database running on a single node is ultimately limited. Capacity limits are lower in the cloud than they are with customer-owned high-end hardware. Therefore, limits in the cloud will be reached sooner, requiring that database sharding occur sooner. This may lead to an increase in sharding popularity for cloud-native applications.
Scalability, User Experience
Traditional (non-sharded) databases are deployed to a single database server node. Any database running on a single node is limited by the capacity of that node. Contention for resources such as CPU, memory, disk speed, data size, and network bandwidth can impair the database’s ability to handle database activity; excessive contention may overwhelm the database. This limited capacity is exacerbated with cloud database services because the database is running on commodity hardware and the database server is multitenant.
There are many potential approaches for scaling an application database when a single node is no longer sufficient. Some examples include: distributing query load to slave nodes, splitting into multiple databases according to the type of data, and vertically scaling the database server. To handle query load (but not write/update), slave nodes are replicated from a master database; slave nodes are read-only and are typically eventually consistent. Another option is splitting into multiple databases according to the type of data, such as inventory data in one database and employee data in another. In the cloud, vertically scaling the database is possible if you are willing to manage your own database server—a painful tradeoff—while still constrained by maximum available virtual machine size. The cloud-native option is database sharding.
The Database Sharding Pattern is a horizontal scaling approach that overcomes the capacity limits of a single database node by distributing the database across multiple database nodes. Each node contains a subset of the data and is known as a shard. Collectively, the data in all the shards represents a complete logical database. In a database service with integrated sharding, the collection of shards appears to applications as a single database with a single database connection string. This abstraction is a great boon to simplifying the programming model for applications. However, as we shall see, there are also limitations.
Sharding is a horizontal scaling strategy in which resources from each shard (or node) contribute to the overall capacity of the sharded database. Database shards are said to implement a shared nothing architecture that simply means that nodes do not share with other nodes; they do not share disk, memory, or other resources.
For the approach to be efficient, common business operations must be satisfied by interacting with a single shard at a time. Cross-shard transactions are not supported.
Basically, shards do not reference other shards. Each shard is autonomous.
In the most straightforward model as shown in Figure 7-1, all shards have the same database schema as the original database, so they are structurally identical, and the database rows are divvied up across the shards. The exact manner in which these rows are divvied up is critical if sharding is to provide the desired benefits.
Shard Identification
A specific database column designated as the shard key determines which shard node stores any particular database row. The shard key is needed to access data.
As a naïve but easily understood example, the shard key is the username column and the first letter is used to determine the shard. Any usernames starting with A-J are in the first shard, and K-Z in the second shard. When your customer logs in with their username, you can immediately access their data because you have a valid shard key.
A more complex example might shard on the customerid column that is a GUID. When your customer logs in with their username, you do not have a valid shard key. You can maintain a mapping table, perhaps in a distributed cache, to look up the shard key (customerid) from their username. Then you can access their data.
Shard Distribution
Why are you sharding? Answering this question is a good start for determining a reasonable sharding strategy. When you are sharding because data will not fit into a single node instance, divide the data into similarly sized shards to make it fit. When you are sharding for performance reasons, divide the data across shard nodes in such a way that all shard nodes experience a similar volume of database queries and updates.
When sharding for scalability or query performance, shards should be added before individual nodes can no longer keep pace with demand. Runtime logging and analytics are important in understanding the behavior of a sharded database. Some commercial databases do this analysis for you and shard automatically.
It is important that a single shard at a time can satisfy most of the common database operations. Otherwise, sharding will not be efficient.
Reporting functions such as aggregating data can be complicated because they span shards. Some database servers offer services to facilitate this. For example, Couchbase supports MapReduce jobs that span shards. If the database server does not have support for this, such scenarios must be handled in the application layer, which adds complexity.
More advanced scenarios are possible. Different sets of tables might use different shard keys, resulting in multiple sets of shards. For example, separate shards may be based on customer and inventory tables. It might also be possible to create a composite shard key by combining keys from different database entities.
When Not to Shard
Database schemas designed for cloud-native applications will support sharding. However, it should not be assumed that any database is easily updated to support sharding. This may be especially true of older databases that have evolved over many years. While a detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this article, a poorly modeled database is a bad choice.
To maximize the value of the cloud, we build cloud-native applications. Building cloud-native applications requires that we think differently about some important aspects of architecture. However, building cloud-native applications does not mean that we forget all of our database tuning skills, as so many of them remain extremely useful.
Furthermore, that’s not the right approach for every application. Database architecture is central to many existing applications, and changing from a vertical scaling approach to a horizontal scaling approach is a big change. Sometimes the right business decision will be to host your own instance of a relational database so that you can still move to the cloud without changing the database architecture. Of course, you will forego many of the benefits, but at least it is possible through use of Linux or Windows virtual machines running on the Amazon or Windows Azure platforms. This can also serve as a temporary or transitional solution on the way to becoming fully cloud-native.
Not All Tables Are Sharded
Some tables are not sharded, but rather replicated into each shard. These tables contain reference data, which is not specific to any particular business entity and is read-mostly. For example, a list of zip codes is reference data; the application may use this data to determine the city from a zip code. We duplicate reference data in each shard to maintain shard autonomy: all of the data needed for queries must be in the shard.
The rest of the tables are typically sharded. Unlike reference data, any given row of a sharded table is stored on exactly one shard node; there is no duplication.
The sharded tables typically include those tables responsible for the bulk of the data size and database traffic. Reference data typically does not change very often and is much smaller than business data.
Cloud Database Instances
Using multiple database instances as a single logical database can bring some surprises. It is a distributed system, so the internal clocks on instances are never exactly the same. Be careful in making assumptions about timestamps across shards when using the database time to establish chronological order.
Further, cloud databases are set to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), not local time. This means that application code is responsible for translating into local time as needed for reporting and user interface display.
Cloud Architecture Patterns
By: Bill Wilder